Audit news and information

ASD Audit

In a changing world we all want to be more informed and expand our knowledge, but how do we do it if work absorbs us all the time? ASD Audit examines in this blog current information, news and challenges in the sector with which you will be up to date in the world of financial auditing.


How do you present the 03 model to ICAC?

As each year in October we have the tedious task, but unavoidable, to carry out the 02 and 03 model. Next, we explain in detail the regulation applicable and split the most important items to detail in our statement.

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NIA 505: External Confirmations 

Nuestro nuevo CEO Carles Balcells que se acaba de incorporar hace unas semanas, nos explica en esta entrevista en video, los retos a futuro de nuestra empresa y su visión del mercado actual y de las necesidades de los clientes. Una excelente oportunidad para conocer de primera mano los objetivos e ilusiones de ASD.

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